Real-time auralization using live voices
An application performing interactive auralizations using real-time sound sources. Thus, the acoustic feedback of a hypothetical space can be experienced by making sounds yourself, activating the listener within that space. Auralization enables the experience of immersive acoustic environments through computer-models of physical space. Provided auditory sensory input derived through prediction of sound transmission, the spatial characteristics can be altered and perceptually compared. With the application the audience interacts with the space by generating sound through action, enabling a direct experience of the acoustical response.
The proposed method is based on a reversed argument for altered voice, tapping into conscious or unconscious processes as such defined by Étienne Lombard, however extended to incorporate further acts of alteration as a reaction from the acoustical sensory input.
Project was initiated in collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg and Tyréns, Stockholm, Sweden, during 2011.
Application is implemented in the open source programming-environment Pure Data and utilizes room impulse responses (RIRs) obtained through acoustical prediction software.